The Dreaming Boy is a Realist Manga Online

The Dreaming Boy is a Realist Manga
GenresRomance, Comedy
First Released2021

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In the manga “The Dreaming Boy is a Realist,” we follow the story of Wataru Sajou, an earnest young man deeply enamored by his beautiful classmate, Aika Natsukawa. With unrelenting determination, he tirelessly pursued her, daydreaming about the possibility of a shared love between them.

However, a pivotal moment in Wataru’s life shifted the dynamic. He began to question whether he truly deserved someone as wonderful as Aika. This newfound self-doubt led him to maintain a cautious distance from her, much to Aika’s bewilderment. She couldn’t help but wonder if his change in behavior signaled that he now disliked her.

As miscommunication and misunderstandings entangle their feelings, a romantic comedy unfolds, focusing on two individuals who struggle to convey their affection, convinced that their love remains unrequited.

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