Blade Debt Manga Online Free

Blade Debt Manga Online
AuthorsShu Yu
GenresManhua, Action, Comedy
First Released2019

During times of chaos and calamity, a lone swordsmith, known simply as the “Single-Blade Man,” would emerge from the shadows, offering a fitting sword to those whom destiny had chosen. Strangely, he asked for no payment for his craftsmanship, instead leaving behind only cryptic, prophetic words. It was only when these enigmatic prophecies materialized into reality that he would reappear to claim the “blade fee.”

Amidst modest beginnings, a young warrior named Shu Yu found himself in possession of a legendary sword known as “Mu Zheng,” crafted by the renowned swordsmith, Tang Dao. Through the cryptic messages of the Single-Blade Man, Shu Yu came to understand the true nature of his destiny and, in doing so, unlocked a wellspring of extraordinary powers. This newfound revelation brought about a profound and remarkable transformation in his fate.

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