Legendary Rankers Comeback Manga

Legendary Rankers Comeback Manga
AuthorsPotato Scone 6 & Yuuri
GenresAdventure, Fantasy, Drama
First Released2023

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Legendary Rankers Comeback Manga Description

One day, the virtual realm of the dungeon apocalypse game, Dream Side, astonishingly transformed into a chilling reality. Freshly graduated from university, I found myself trapped within a claustrophobic elevator, en route to deliver packages. In the midst of my confinement, a startling blue screen abruptly materialized in my field of vision, accompanied by the sudden appearance of a menacing monster.

As a former reigning champion, holding the illustrious title of the game’s top ranker, I sprang into action with unwavering determination. Without hesitation, I conquered the seemingly insurmountable challenges of what appeared to be an unnerving tutorial level, resuming my role as an advanced player in this surreal, life-altering gaming experience.

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