The Extra is too Strong Manga

The Extra is too Strong manga
AuthorsKim Jaehan
GenresAction, Manhwa, Fantasy.
First Released2015

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The Extra is Too Strong Manga Description

Every day, I faced the same unchanging question, a relentless cycle with a stationary answer. In this existence, all that remained were the pitying looks from others and the monthly insurance checks, serving as a stark reminder of my cruel reality – one marked by partial paralysis.

They often say that a higher power only bestows trials one can endure, but in my darkest moments, death seemed a more merciful alternative.

It was during one of these despairing moments that my life took an extraordinary turn. I awoke in a world completely foreign, a realm introduced as the “Magician Who Dominates the World.” I was immediately thrust into an unfamiliar role: I was no longer myself, but rather the character

“Mord Vernars.” In a twist of fate, I had become an unwitting extra within the pages of the very novel I had been reading, a shift that would irrevocably alter my destiny.

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